Neonatology (MD1070) ECTS


The aim of the Neonatology course is to educate medical student on the standard care of the normal newborn as well as of the preterm and severely ill neonate. Moreover, student should aquaint basic knowledge on neonatal resuscitation and learn how to recognize major neonatal problems. The course contents include medical history and clinical examination, transition to extrauterine life, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, stabilization and transport of the neonate, problems associated with prematurity, small for gestational age infants, large for gestational age infants-neonates of diabetic mother, neonatal encephalopathy, respiratory problems of the preterm and term neonate, congenital and perinatal infections, hematologic and metabolic disorders of the neonate, gastrointestinal problems of the neonate, hyperbilirubinemia, neonatal cholestasis, mechanical ventilation, neonatal seizures, brain injury in preterm infants, neonatal infections, long-term consequences of prematurity.