Clinical Medicine VIII and IX

Clinical Immunology (MD1065) ECTS


Principles of basic immunology. Mechanisms of the immune response in the main immunologic disease groups. Description of the most important laboratory techniques in the evaluation and disease diagnosis.


Papakosta, Despoina

Professor of Pulmonary Medicine with emphasis on Immunological Diseases of Lungs

Geriatrics (MD1066) ECTS


Following successful completion of the module, students will be able to understand and seek multimorbidity in elderly patients, understand and trace the most common pathologies in elderly patients, understand that elderly persons’ health beyond pathology also relies on multiple social, psychological, emotional, environmental and financial parameters, perform a comprehensive geriatric assessment of an elderly person, draw an detailed pharmaceutic history from an elderly person and seek potentially inappropriate medications for the specific patient based on Beers criteria.

Clinical Pharmacology (MD1067) ECTS


Upon successfully completing the course, students will be able to understand the role of the Clinical Pharmacologist in research, teaching, consultation and regulatory authorities, understand the principles of pre-marketing trials (Clinical trials phase I, II,III) and post-marketing trials (phase IV), prescribe rationally using evidence based medicine, customize dose in patients with liver and renal insufficiency, understand the differences of drug treatment in special patients population (pregnant, children elderly), in comorbidities and polypharmacy, understand the principles of pharmacoepidemiology, understand the value of pharmacovigilance, drug safety and patient safety Use the basic principles of Pharmacology to acquire a working knowledge of the properties of individual drugs to be learned in Systemic Pharmacology, complete the yellow card scheme, understand the principles of pharmacoeconomics, understand the principles of Health Technology Assessment.


Clinical Nutrition (MD1068) ECTS


Translation of nutrition science to clinical practice. The importance of interpersonal collaboration with nutrition professionals in medical education, energy metabolism—calculating basal energy expenditure, body composition, nutrition assessment—BMI, weight gain/loss, nutrient deficiencies, outpatient and inpatient nutrition management—medical nutrition, therapy for acute and chronic disease, critical care—enteral and parenteral nutrition. Topics include the impact of nutrient deficiencies on anemia and other diseases, role of nutrition in chronic diseases (diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis celiac disease, obesity, etc), enteral and parenteral nutrition, eating disorders, bariatric surgery, and common diets (e.g. Mediterranean diet).


Paediatrics I (MD1069) ECTS


The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the pediatric patient. This objective is accomplished by the following knowledge and skills: medical history taking from pediatric patients / guardians, physical examination of newborns, physical examination of infants/ toddlers, physical development of infants/children (percentiles of body weight, length-height, head circumference), normal values and significance of usual laboratory tests, common antibiotics, vaccines – vaccination scheme of infants, toddlers, importance of common clinical symptoms and signs (cough, dyspnea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain, crying, convulsions, hematuria, edema, anemia, jaundice), nutrition of infants, psychomotor development of infants/ toddler nursing care of newborns/ infants/children – social pediatric practice.


Neonatology (MD1070) ECTS


The aim of the Neonatology course is to educate medical student on the standard care of the normal newborn as well as of the preterm and severely ill neonate. Moreover, student should aquaint basic knowledge on neonatal resuscitation and learn how to recognize major neonatal problems. The course contents include medical history and clinical examination, transition to extrauterine life, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, stabilization and transport of the neonate, problems associated with prematurity, small for gestational age infants, large for gestational age infants-neonates of diabetic mother, neonatal encephalopathy, respiratory problems of the preterm and term neonate, congenital and perinatal infections, hematologic and metabolic disorders of the neonate, gastrointestinal problems of the neonate, hyperbilirubinemia, neonatal cholestasis, mechanical ventilation, neonatal seizures, brain injury in preterm infants, neonatal infections, long-term consequences of prematurity.


Adolescence Medicine (MD1071) ECTS


The training program in Adolescent Medicine includes the following sections: Physiology of puberty, growth, behavior and developmental periods of the adolescent, protocols for preventive medicine and medical services for the adolescent population, medical interview for adolescents, acronym HEEADSSS (Home-Living Conditions, Education, Employment-Work, Activities, Drugs-Substances, Sexuality, Suicide / Depression, Safety), legal and ethical issues, including confidentiality, adolescent gynecology, issues of reproductive health and contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, common acne, nutrition in adolescence, obesity, food intake disorders (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa), chronic Disease in Adolescence and the Transition to Adult Health Services, mental disturbances in adolescence, school and learning problems, attention disorders, high-risk behaviors (use and abuse of substances, tobacco alcohol, etc.), internet, social media and mass media.

Paediatric Surgery (MD1072) ECTS


Recognize and respect the particular emotional and ethical issues relating to the care of sick children. Understand that although the fundamental principles of children’s surgical care are the same as those governing older people, there are also important differences that need to be taken into account, especially when it comes to neonates and infants. These mainly concern physiology and anatomy issues. It is extremely important to understand that many pediatric surgical problems are more appropriately addressed where there are special pediatric facilities that provide expertise not only in surgery but also in anesthesia, intensive care, diagnostic imaging, laboratory support and nursing care. Be aware of the pathology and symptomatology of major and more frequent surgical conditions of neonates and older children. Be able to take history, family history, conduct clinical examination and perform targeted laboratory investigation of the cases. Be able to draw up a list of differential diagnosis and then propose further investigation in order to narrow the list of differential diagnosis. Also to suggest a way of dealing with the patient, knowing which treatment options are available, including non-surgical. Assess whether the patient can be treated in the context of primary care, or should be referred to a specialized center, urgently or in due time. Be able to respond to the patient’s immediate needs, with appropriate handling, administration of water, electrolytes, drugs, either in the context of preoperative optimization, or in case of urgency.


Pharmacology (MD1073) ECTS


Biopharmacuticals, advanced therapy medicinal products, Principles of perinatal and pediatric pharmacology, Principles of geriatric pharmacology.


Biopathology (MD1074) ECTS


The objectives of the course are the preliminary contact of the student with the wide range of applied laboratory medicine, as practiced in our country within the limits of the medical specialty of Medical Biopathology. The aim is to familiarize and understand the potential of laboratory approach to diagnosis and monitoring, at least of the main clinical situations, as well as the important contribution of the medical laboratory to the identification and documentation of the disease and the therapeutic intervention. Also, to show the need for rational use and good practice, as well as for continuous evaluation of laboratory results and applied procedures.


Skoura, Lemonia

Associate Professor of Medical Biopathology - Microbiology

Systemic Pathology (MD1075) ECTS


Study of the morphological changes that develop in tissues and organs by system, as well as epidemiological data, pathogenetic mechanisms, predictive and prognostic factors for pathologic conditions and neoplasms. Hematopoietic and lymphatic system, Upper respiratory system and Lungs, Heart, Kidneys and lower urinary tract, Oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract, Liver and biliary tract, Pancreas, Male genital system, Female genital system, Breasts, Endocrine system, Musculoskeletal system, Skin, Nervous system.


Cheva, Aggeliki

Assistant Professor of General Pathology and Pathological Anatomy

Radiology-Nuclear Medicine (MD1076) ECTS


Familiarity with the basic indications, advantages and disadvantages of the diagnostic and interventional imaging techniques in reference to system/organ pathologies. Understanding of the principles of images interpretation. Knowledge of the typical imaging findings from the various imaging modalities (radiography, ultrasonography, CT, MRI, and Nuclear Medicine techniques) of the most common diseases (on a system/organ basis). Apprehension of the role of imaging diagnostic algorithms in the era of precision medicine.


Foinitsis, Stefanos

Assistant Professor of Biognostic Radiology - Interventional Neuroradiology