Pathological Physiology (MD1042) ECTS


Physiology and abnormal function of organs and systems are discussed. The mechanisms underlying common diseases and the procedures inside the human body leading to pathologic conditions are described. The following chapters are individually presented and discussed. Defense mechanisms, Immunity. HLA system, connective tissue and joint diseases. Hemopoiesis, hemostasis. Breathing disorders and lung diseases. Kidneys: glomerular, tubular disorders. Fluid and electrolyte disorders. Disorders of the oesophagus, stomach, bowel, pancreas, liver and biliary tract. Heart: EKG, coronary heart disease, abnormalities of the cardiac valves, heart failure. Arterial hypertension. Endocrine system: Thyroid abnormalities, adrenal glands, bone diseases. Metabolic disorders, obesity, diabetes mellitus.