AMSE2024: Shaping the Future of Healthcare Education.

The AMSE2024 Conference, hosted by the Association of Medical Schools in Europe and organized by the School of Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, is set to take place in Thessaloniki, Greece, from October 17 to 19, 2024. This year we focus on “Educating for patient-centered and community-engaged healthcare,” a theme that highlights the evolving needs of healthcare education in Europe. AMSE2024 aims to foster collaboration among European Faculties of Medicine, providing a platform for educators, students, researchers, patients, and community members to engage in meaningful discussions on transforming health education. 

AMSE2024’s program underlines our commitment to co-creation, designed by a diverse group of people, including students, health educators, and patients. The key topics of AMSE2024 will include person-centered integrated healthcare, the well-being of health professionals, trauma-informed care, patient safety, inclusivity, and the impact of AI on the patient-physician relationship. The conference will also feature the AMSE General Assembly, offering participants insight into ongoing initiatives aimed at promoting social accountability in European medical education. 

We warmly invite you to join us in Thessaloniki for this important event for the future of healthcare education.

Reserve your spot here.
