History of Medicine (MD1006) ECTS


Understanding of the theocratic character of ancient medicine and of the supernatural causes of diseases. Knowledge of the evolution of the notions of health and disease and of the contribution of philosophy. Understanding of the importance of the Hippocratic medicine: beginning of medical rationalization, foundation of the “pathophysiological theory” based on the body. Understanding that the cause of the evolution of medicine during the Hellenistic period was the use of postmorted examination (Herophilus and Erasistratus). Study of the galenic contribution to the evolution of medicine. Familiarization with the first Byzantine hospitals and with Arabic medicine and its transmission to Spain. Understanding of the conditions prevailing in the West during the Middle Ages that lead to the regression of medicine. Acquaintance with the most important personalities – for medicine – of Renaissance. Understanding of the effect of the natural sciences on the evolution of medicine and study of the major discoveries of the 17th century. Knowledge of the influence of philosophy and of Linnaeus’ systematization to the development of new medical systems during the 18th century and study of the most important personalities and accomplishments. Understanding of the rapid evolution of medicine during the 19th century and acquaintance with the most important personalities and accomplishments. Study of the most important developments in medicine during the 20th century and understanding of their interaction. Acquaintance with the Εptanse medicine, the first scientific medicine of modern Greece and knowledge of the conditions under which the University of Athens was established. Understanding of the worldwide contribution of Greek doctors of the mainland or of the diaspora.