Urology (MD1060) ECTS
Upon completion of teaching and clinical practice , the student should be able to identify the location of organs of the urinary and male genital tract on the body , take a basic urological history and apply basic methods of physical examination. Especially to perform a digital rectal examination and palpation of the scrotum, describe the necessary laboratory tests to check the function and dysfunction of the urinary tract and male genital tract, identify the organs of the urinary and male genital tract in imaging studies , particularly in ultrasonography, properly insert self-retaining bladder catheter (Foley) and to be aware of the potential difficulties and complications, recognize the urological and male genital emergencies (renal colic , testicular torsion , urosepsis etc. ) and suggest treatment options, present (under guidance) a simple urologic clinical case and to indicate the appropriate therapeutic options.